剑桥雅思5 test 4 section 1听力原文与答案 host family applicant

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剑桥雅思5 test 4 section 1听力原文与答案 host family applicant

2024-06-29 11:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

剑桥雅思5 test 4 section 1听力原文与答案 host family applicant

这篇Section 1的听力题目非常典型,不仅内容是雅思听力中十分喜爱的租房场景(雅思备考听力篇 剑5 test 4 section 1 雅思听力高频词汇),而且出题方式上也基本涵盖了Section 1所有的干扰项类型。大家做完之后一定要记着多琢磨琢磨,然后再做做精听,以便将题目的作用最 大化。

易错点主要是第3题。虽然录音中女生明显是想要强调她只能在这里待4个月,但题目问的是intended,也就是想要待多久。这点跟原文中的plan对应,因此确定答案是1 year。这道题也最好地说明了雅思听力的出题方式其实更加注重题目,而非原文的特点。


剑5 test 4 Section 1雅思听力原文

ADVISER: Good morning, how can I help you?

STUDENT: Good morning. Umm, I understand you help fix up students with host families.

ADVISER: That’s right… are you interested in…?


ADVISER: Well please sit down and I’ll just take a few details.

STUDENT: Thank you.

ADVISER: Right now… what name is it?

STUDENT: Jenny Chan.

ADVISER: Can you spell that please?

STUDENT: Yes… J-E-N-N-Y C-H-A-N. Example

ADVISER: Right… and what is your present address?

STUDENT: Sea View Guest House, 14 Hill Road. Q1

ADVISER: OK, and do you know the phone number there?

STUDENT: Yes… I have it here, ummm… 2237676, but I’m only there after about 7 pm.

ADVISER: So when would be the best time to catch you?

STUDENT: I suppose between 9 and, let me see, half-past, before I leave for the college. Q2

ADVISER: Great… and can I ask you your age?

STUDENT: I’ve just had my nineteenth birthday.

ADVISER: And how long would you want to stay with the host family?

STUDENT: I’m planning on staying a year but at the moment I’m definitely here for four months only. I have to get an extension to my permit. Q3

ADVISER: You’re working on it? Fine… and what will be your occupation while you’re in the UK?

STUDENT: Studying English?

ADVISER: And what would you say your level of English is?

STUDENT: Umm. Good, I think I’d like to say ‘advanced’ but my written work is below the level of my spoken, so I suppose it’s intermediate. Q4

ADVISER: Certainly your spoken English is advanced. Anyway, which area do you think you would prefer?

STUDENT: Ummm, well I’m studying right in the centre but I’d really like to live in the north-west. Q5

ADVISER: That shouldn’t be a great problem… we usually have lots of families up there.

ADVISER: And do you have any particular requirements for diet?

STUDENT: Well, I’m nearly a vegetarian… not quite. Q6

ADVISER: Shall I say you are? It’s probably easier that way.

STUDENT: That would be best.

ADVISER: Anything about your actual room?

STUDENT: I would prefer my own facilities – ‘en suite’, is that right? And also if it’s possible a TV and I’d also like the house to have a real garden rather than just a yard, somewhere I could sit and be peaceful. Q7

ADVISER: Is that all?

STUDENT: Well… I’m really serious about improving my English so I’d prefer to be the only guest if that’s possible? Q8

ADVISER: No other guests… Yes, you get more practice that way. Anyway, obviously all this is partly dependent on how much you’re willing to pay. What did you have in mind?

STUDENT: I was thinking in terms of about £60-£80 a week, but I’d go up to a hundred if it was something special. Q9

ADVISER: Well I don’t think we’d have any problems finding something for you.

STUDENT: Oh, good.

ADVISER: And when would you want it for?

STUDENT: I’d like to move in approximately two weeks.

ADVISER: Let me see, it’s the 10th today… so if we go for the Monday it’s the 23rd March. Q10


ADVISER: Right… good, and if I could ask one last question…

剑5 test 4 Section 1雅思听力答案

1. 14 Hill Road

2. between 9 and 9.30/9-9.30

3. 1 year

4. intermediate

5. Northwest

6. vegetarian

7. (a) (real) garden

8. (the) only guest

9. 100

10. 23rd March/Monday 23rd March




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